I could only dream about being in front row

I started my blog just over three years ago and have become more so consistent for about a year now. I thought over and over,  how I could grow my brand and really meet people who are in my circle of interest. That said, I know that London fashion week is long gone, but for most, is the heart of London fashion, the hub of the who's who and whats what. Though it be true, you don't need to be a celebrity to join in on the fun. I thought I could only dream about being front row at a catwalk show happened!
Here are my top tips for getting your way in.

  • Have a ready-made social media base

In this day and age, social media is everything. Building up your Social media base is a great way to show that not only you have an interest in the fashion but, you are actively creating content and engaging with people over social media. 

It shows you mean business! 

  • Create a confident sounding email
Confidence is key in this industry. This doesn't mean you have to be loud, rude or brash. But knowing that you are passionate and KNOW you want to be in this business needs to transpire within your email and also when you get to the events. You're probably thinking, "well, how am I supposed to sound confident over email?" What I think works, is showing interest for the brand by suggesting to make content (and actually delivering the content).  Grovelling is not the way. Simply asking for an RSVP gets straight to the point without wasting the agency's time reading about how your grandmothers aunty dressed you in so and so's designer thats why you want to come. No! Agency's go though a lot of emails and simply do not have the time to read invitation requests. So keep it simple. If you're invited, great! If not, there are so many other shows going on in that one week that you will definitely enjoy.
  • Network, Network & Network
This may sound daunting but honestly, this is the most fun part about attending events like these. It is also very easy because everyone is in the same vibe of getting to know new people and gauge new potential opportunities. I think business cards are a good way of keeping in peoples memory, but also literally popping in your social media account into their phone and getting a cheeky extra follow works just as well. So you've networked and increased your following by 1, now what? Follow up. 

Following up is the best way to start to build a relationship with the people you have met and the PR agencies that have invited you. perhaps the "thank you for the invite, I'd love to be considered for events like these in the future" *social media linked below* sort of response would suffice. But just anything in your own style to let them know you appreciate the invite and maybe wont have to do as many emails for the next LFW season. 

I really hope this helps some of you! Hopefully i'll be seeing you at the next seasons do.


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